120 Credit Performing Arts Zoo Co (September 2019 - October 2019)

Unit 5: Rehearsing for a Performance

Image result for fairfield hallsDate Started: 19/06/2019

  • Progressing in the direction of a major performance at Fairfield Halls.

The Unit: Coulsdon College coming into association with an Organization Called Zoo Co to deliver a Modernized creation dependent on Greek folklore.

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Zoo Co have a scope of individuals in their group who work together to make their performances and have associated with numerous different Theater company's, for example, The Greenwich Theater and New Diorama . They are taking a shot at trying various different  activities at this present time that not only include the public (Outdoor Workshops) but also help to inspire other young People to try Acting and The musical Arts. "Sirens" is a Performance which assembles various stories from different ethnic minorities , for example, LGBTQ+ Community, hard of hearing networks and the disempowerment of ethnic minorities. It features the opportunity to convey how to be unafraid and  to be comprehended and acknowledged.During the exercise, we finished various arrangements of activities so as to improve our portrayal of Characters and  in addition it also helps us  improve our general execution of work during practices and, eventually, our last performance.

Task 1:

In Helen's lesson we were placed into 4 groups and needed to take goes to sprint to other the side of the space to compose a word which partners with the letters of the word Rehearsal. The word we picked needed to begin with one of the letters and must be something to do with Rehearsals and at last it needed to highlight the word Rehearsal. This helped us when applying this to future Rehearsals since it kept all of us on edge and it enabled us to recognize everything that is incorporated into the Rehearsal procedure so as to make it more effective, which would at last be connected when we are Rehearsing. It likewise made cooperation and correspondence a key factor in all our Rehearsals.

Task 2:

Image result for shot glassIn Rebecca's lesson we were paired up with other members of our class and were told to walk around the circle and analyse the items that lined it. 

We at that point needed to make various characters dependent on the various gatherings. Meghan, Niamh, Trish and I picked the gathering with a: rope, shot glass, panther print umbrella and tie. 

Our character- He was a moderately aged representative (Harold) who during the evening would take on the appearance of a lady (Agatha).  During the evening, he was a drunkard and was excited about BDSM and subjugation.
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This was advantageous with figuring out how to comprehend and build up a character utilizing restricted sources. This will at this point in time, help us improve our very own characterisation so we could have an exceptionally created character with a nitty gritty foundation. Because of this, it'll improve exhibitions in light of the fact that the more built up a character is, simply the better comprehended they are by companions, ourselves and the crowd which can help when making feelings in the play all together for the group of spectators to be progressively included and locked in. Despite the fact that this could likewise help with building up a gathering of characters to characterize qualities like in the production we had produced earlier in the year 'Girls Like That'.

Date Started: 20/06/2019

Task 1:

To make Subtext for a line:
Image result for Angry Consider various tones, non-verbal communication, feeling and outward appearances. This is to feature/accentuate how a character could feel. 

• Line: "How could you do that?", the two of us needed to state the line however in various scenes to demonstrate how various articulations can change the manner in which a line is seen. 
•Niamh: Snickering, Grinning, Loosened up Stance and Quiet aura 

• Me: Sub zero, Straight back, Tense, Hard face with an Unemotional appearance. 

Image result for nonchalanceThis could be gainful with regards to character development with content advancement and how we need a line to sound; yet additionally how we need a group of people to translate the tone and what we look like when saying the line. This likewise permits the utilization of testing and how you can change the manner in which something is deciphered just by evolving feelings. This additionally makes a profile of the characters relationship. 

Work: I'm overshadowing Niamh (She was perched on a seat), with a hard and gruff tone I said "How could you do that?". Niamh looks down despicably and attempts to go after my hand yet i smack it away. 

The group of spectators could tell that I was irate with Niamh by the predominance I showed and the shut off Niamh had by slumping and having her arms tucked into herself.

Performing Arts Summer Work

Task 1:  

Perform: Core = Since Performing Arts is at the Core of Everything we do at Coulsdon College and due to this we hope to facilitate the possibility of a perfect execution through any performance we may participate in.

Theatrify = This implies Electrifying Theater something that at Coulsdon College we want to accomplish from each presentation.

Cine Spirit = The Spirit of artistic preparations springing up by creating stunning gems that enamors the group of spectators as well as leaving them needing more.

Task 2: 

                                                            Zoo Co

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Zoo Co is made out of 14 Brilliant individuals who look to make theater available for everybody whether you have an incapacity or not. Zoo Co have created various widely praised productions. There is "Sirens" furthermore, another show in progress called " Messy". In 2014 they won the "Les Enfants Terribles Award" in recognition of the company's debut show "The Hive". Zoo Co's previous works include: "Giant", " Monotone Man", "10 Lords A - Leaping", "The Hive" and their most recent show "Sirens". 


Image result for sirens zooco

 The Production pursues 3 very three dimensional female characters who each have an alternate relationship to sexuality and gender in a world that expects straightness and gentility as the acceptable Model, for ladies to satisfy. The production recounts the story of any mariner who set out to cruise past them, would hop into the sea after hearing the Sirens deadly melody to be savagely slaughtered by the Sirens which had pulled them in, in any case. The Sirens start to get exhausted of being on the stone for such a long time so they start to whine and are then sent into the future to the time of 2019.  The Sirens meet a character called Jake (a hard of hearing man), who can't hear the Sirens hardhearted tune and he consents to support them. The entire Production uses communicated English, British Sign Language, Creative Captioning and Virtual Storytelling to work together the two dialects and make the Production available to both the hearing and hard of hearing group of spectators.

Task 2: 

                                                  Greek Mythology

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Greek Mythology is and reliably will be at the focal center of Myths; at first it was told by the customary Greek Poets and Artists of the time. These Mythical stories contain the source and moreover the possibility of the planet, the lives and activities of Deities, Heroes and Mythological Creatures, and besides the beginnings and basics of the customary. Present day understudies study the dreams in an endeavor to uncover knowledge into the significant and political establishments of Ancient Hellenic Republic and it's human progression, and to achieve appreciation of the Greeks' own religion and formal practices and the possibility of legend making itself.

The Olympian God's and Goddesses

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  • Zeus: God Of the Sky and the King of Olympus
  • Hera: Goddess of Marriage and the Queen of Olympus
  • Poseidon: God of the Sea
  • Aphrodite: Goddess of Love and Beauty
  • Apollo: God of Music and Reading
  • Ares: God of War
  • Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt and Protector of Women in Childbirth
  • Athena: The Goddess of Wisdom
  • Hades: King of the Dead
  • Hestia: The Goddess of the Hearth (Fireplace)
  • Hermes: The Messenger God, A Trickster and A Friend to Thieves
  • Demeter: Goddess of the Harvest
  • Dionysus: God of Wine

Is Greek Mythology a Religion?

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 Antiquated Greek philosophy was polytheistic, in light of the supposition that there were numerous Gods and Goddesses just as there was a scope of powerful creatures of different kinds. In any case, at that point saying just that would be mistaken in light of the fact that as late as the 1990's even today Hellenism has been near. Hellenism (additionally known by numerous different names) combines diverse religious developments that are based or utilize a similar philosophy of Ancient Greek Religious Practices. It is a conventional religion and a lifestyle for those that have faith in it, based around the Greek Gods (The Twelve Olympians) and grasp antiquated qualities and excellencies that help carry them closer to the Gods. Since 2017 Hellenism was legitimately perceived as a "Known Religion" in Greece. Giving individuals who practice this religion the ability to do what it indicates under the lawful establishments obviously (Marriages and so forth).

Image result for 12 greek titansWho were the 12 Greek Titans?

Titans in Greek Mythology are any of the descendants of Uranus (The Heavens) and Gaea (The Earth).  According to Hesiod's Theory, there were 12 original Titans: The Brothers Oceanus, Coeus, Cruis, Hyperion, Lapetus and Cronus and The Sisters Thea, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe and Tethys. At the instigation of Gaea the Titans rebelled against their father, who had shut them up in the Underworld (Tartarus).  Hesoids "Works and Days" helps to preserve the thought of the Titans being the Golden Race, Happy and People who had longevity. The notion of this was further developed by the Romans.

Why is Greek Mythology so important?

 In Ancient Greece, Stories about Gods and Goddesses and Heroes and Monsters were a significant piece of regular day to day existence. They clarified everything from religious customs to the climate, and they offered significance to the world individuals saw around them around then. Regardless of whether Greek Mythology was utilized to make wondrous sonnets, lovely emotional creations, Stories, Parables. These are what are known as verbalization's of our internal individual and aggregate substances. These advance us and give us the plan to discover more data about their way of life upon our ways forward. A healthy Grecian would carry on with a balanced life based around these principals and story the, truly and cautiously as to not disillusion the divine beings or end up as the lesser profoundly visioned individuals of their time.

How Old is Greek Mythology?

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The Greek Stories of Gods, Heroes and Monsters have been constantly told and retold around the globe as ahead of schedule as the introduction of Jesus Christ. The soonest know variants of these Myths go back over 2100 years, first showing up in composed structure in progress of the Greek artists Homer and Hesiod. Be that as it may, a portion of these increasingly known or significantly lesser realized legends are known to be a lot more established.

How were Greek Myths told to one another?

Image result for greek mythologyThe Greek Myths were at first engendered in an oral wonderful convention ,doubtlessly by Minoan and Mycenaean vocalists beginning in the eighteenth century BC. The Greek Myths were additionally told by excellent painting on Clay pots. Before long they would be told by plays composed superbly and overstated to the most noteworthy degree.    

Ancient Greek Theater

Image result for ancient greek theatreThe Greek theater history started with celebrations respecting their divine beings. A divine being, Dionysus, was respected with a celebration called by "City Dionysia". In Athens, during this celebration, men used to perform melodies to invite Dionysus. Plays were just exhibited at City Dionysia celebration. Athens was the primary place for these dramatic conventions. Athenians spread these celebrations to its various partners so as to advance a typical personality. At the early Greek celebrations, the entertainers, chiefs, and screenwriters were no different individual. After some time, just three entertainers were permitted to perform in each play. Later few non-talking jobs were permitted to perform in front of an audience. Because of set number of on-screen characters permitted in front of an audience, the melody developed into a functioning piece of Greek theater. Music was regularly played during the ensemble's conveyance of its lines. Disaster, comedy, and satyr plays were the showy structures.  Catastrophe and satire were seen as totally separate classifications. Satyr plays managed the fanciful subject in a comical way. Aristotle's Poetics sets out a proposal about the ideal structure for a catastrophe.

Task 4: 

Task 4a: 

Prometheus, The Friend of Man

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  • Setting (Time): Pre-History
  • Setting (Place): A Rocky Mountain in the Caucasus.
  • Falling Action: Chorus Vows to remain with Prometheus; Zeus evokes a tempest and a seismic tremor to encase Prometheus in stone and cover him under the earth.
  • Symbols: Fire is the predominant image; The disaster doesn't depend much on the utilization of Symbolism.
  • Themes: Oppression, Defiance, Friendship, Force and thought, Human Progress, Excess and Moderation.
  • Unusual Features: Characters are almost all divine beings: Involves cool Special effects.
  • Motifs: Burden and Harness, Deliverance from torment, time and related ideas, for example, ages, new guideline, destiny and waiting for the right moment.
  • Tone: Shifting between frightful, Sympathetic and Defiant.
  • Foreshadowing: All through the play, Hints are dropped that in the long run, a compromise among Zeus and Prometheus will occur. This is foreshadowed by Prometheus's Prophecy. Rehashed notices of possible liberation, The rehashing topic of Friendship, and the rising abundance of Prometheus' resistance, proposing that an inversion will happen as in different disasters by Aeschylus.

Pandora's Box

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  • This Myth clearly has various sureness's and various misrepresentations. 
  • We utilize the analogy of "Pandora's Box" to depict a wellspring of issues. 
  • Pandora's Box was not generally called Pandora's Box but "Pandora and the Jar". 
  • The most significant truth from this fantasy is that each specie on earth was given its own unique endowments. 
  • The myth gives us two significant lessons. 
  • The principal lesson is that people are not impeccable, and we don't generally adhere to directions as told.
  • Pandora's Box is firmly identified with the second creation story (Bible Story: The Garden of Eden. 
  • The two stories instruct us to comprehend potential results before acting it out. 
  • It additionally demonstrates to us how expectation is the most significant part of life; it keeps on shinning even within the sight of shades of malice in the world within that case. 
  • The tale of Pandora's Box was composed around 700BC, during the time of the dark age of Greece. 
  • After Greece was covered in Darkness, Hesiod encountering this understood there is a method for getting away it and acknowledged how significant expectation is, so he expounded on it! (A Myth).

Prometheus, The friend of Man: Re-Worked Myth

  • Prometheus's trickery against the divine beings. 
  • Robin Hood themed Myth; Colorful and fun. 
  • It could be based around the present political perspectives. (E.g Zeus's political view about people not having the ability to control fire, though Prometheus needs them to have that control). 
  • Utilize the account of Prometheus to discuss peoples capacity to harness nature for our very own advantage and how we had started to dominate the natural order. 
  • Resilience against Oppression. 
  • The harm of debasing the characteristic request through science and innovation. 
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  • Natural Issues (Has Prometheus given us a lot of power?) In the form of creation and destruction. 
  • Make it a cutting edge melodic yet rather than Prometheus taking the flame from the God's to provide for the people, perhaps the flame could be changed to present day innovation; something people can't survive without. 
  • Prometheus: The capacity to anticipate what will occur later on. This "meaning" will be reworked from Prometheus's perspective and the reasons why he gave people the intensity of controlling flame and the results it would have for humankind overall.("Prometheus" could investigate the future to see his motivations of giving us that power).

Task 4a:         Prometheus, The friend of Man: Re-Worked Myth

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  • This theater Production would be based around the Political Perspectives among Zeus and Prometheus attempting to pick up the Democratic supposition/Vote from the Humans and in terms each other. The point talk utilized for these votes would associate with whether " Letting the people have fire was a fortunate or unfortunate thought and how that could affect who and what is to come". I might want to attempt to make this production as a "Theater Of The Absurd" Piece as to attempt to include a viewpoint into the fate of our earth by means of the decisions made by Prometheus that all group of the audience will endeavor to make essentialness of illogicality. Telling them that reality is confusing with little assurance.
  • The Staging would be based around Absurdity and Realism. I like the possibility of this in light of the fact that each time they would talk about the impacts Prometheus' decisions would have on the future the set can start to get increasingly more disorientated and the development of the diverse cast individuals will start to get progressively Frigid and brutal. As each Act starts and Ends extra set pieces would be included to make the set look increasingly unusual and dreamlike (Preferably demonstrating the ascent of an Earth-wide temperature boost and so on).

    Image result for democratic posts
  • There will be a constrained amount of props utilized in this play as the Background will be the primary thing changed to make it look increasingly aggravating. We will require Democratic based posts where they may give their Democratic based feelings. Each side should appear to be unique than the other to speak to what they have faith in.
  • Zeus's side will be Godly, Majestic and Higher than Prometheus to speak to the economic well-being of the earth contrasting against Prometheus.
  • Prometheus's side will have a heartily human feel to it since he speaks for mankind in general But the Democratic post will be littler than Zeus's as he isn't of societal position.
  • Each time there is a set change the posts will be changed for ones that look as though they are beginning to rot and get old, This will proceed till the last demonstration of the play.
  • For Zeus, I would propose that he wears a Toga (White in Color) and a Crown made out of Gold leaves to demonstrate his virtue and prevalence though Prometheus would wear increasingly hued robes and sandals (Brown in Color) to demonstrate his connection with the human world and his  ripped alliance with the Gods, however by and by all through the areas of the play, There dress would begin to split away and look old and worn and not appropriate for the characters they are attempting to depict. Additionally the cosmetics the Actors would wear would begin to get all the more sharp and awful as the play goes on to nearly concern and alarm the crowd at the equivalent time.
  • The Production will utilize commotions of groups booing and murmuring and the hints of popping fire for the complexity. By and by all through the play the sounds utilized will turn out to be increasingly devilish sounding, making that required differentiation for The Theater Of The Absurd.
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  • The lighting will start off Bright with white hues and shades of pink. As the production goes on the stage will start to get darker and darker and the stage will start to be loaded up with dull and threatening hues, for example, Reds, Blacks and Sharp Yellows.

Task 6:                                           Pandora's Box Monologue

  • This precarious box, so full of secrets and an odd life to it. It Beckons me everyday getting louder and louder and stronger and stronger, to the point where i can't handle it anymore. The urge for me to open this box can only get worst and there's nothing i can do about it. No one else can hear the voices but me, I ask the Gods for help but to no avail. The only thing left for me to do is to Open the box to find out why i am constantly being called to it.

09/09/19 - 13/09/19

  • In our first lesson we began to film our Monologues and ideas that we had for the performance in October. For the Ideas area i chose to speak about My Re-worked version of Prometheus: The friend of Man and my Monologue was based around Pandora's Box.
  • On Tuesday we Began to refine out our ideas:
Dylan's ideas about the 1950's - 1960's : "Main God's only".
Choral Work, Myths using Greek Techniques.
Persephone and Hades (Medusa): Take the characters and morals and work with our own stories.
Main Characters- Underworld Theme- Movement Piece with Persephone and Hades.
Choral work for main God to create his Godly Persona- River of Souls.
Ideas for Performance:
                     Eros (Cupid)                                                                                                                      
Nilson, Shante, Meghan, Donnie, Sian, Me- Performance Group.

  • On Wednesday We began:
Working on a double unit (120 credits are).
Zoo Co Comes in next Wednesday.
6 Weeks until the Performance.
Spoke about what must go in our log books.
Keep referring back to the criteria.
Do Health and Safety work.
Fairfield Halls (Zoo Co) work combine with another unit.
This Unit is half of the performance workshop unit.
Pick out key points of rehearsals and Analyse them.
(120 credits) Shall be given the main responsibilities.
National Theater: Roles throughout theater; watch them!
Character Development is Required; use Research and images etc!

Performance Group Ideas

New Group: Jess, Nilson, Abigail H, Shante, Me.
The Narrator is a character of the scene who breaks the 4th wall, who acts as a fly on the scene throughout the production.
Characters in the scene: Hades,The Furies and The Narrator.
Stylized movement will be used along with choral work (Grotesque).
Abigail H is the Narrator of this story.
Main Theme: Human Trafficking (Furies are Hades so called "Hoes").
The Furies have Stockholm syndrome Towards Hades (Watch the "Strange things about the Johnsons").
Abby can be used as thought tracking between Hades and "The Furies".
Synchronised head movement.
Analyze the Video recorded (11/09/19)
Talk about other things changed and added into our piece.

Cut out the swear words.
Have a much sharper use of words to set the tone.
Really good ideas.
Nice Interpretation.
Add more levels.
Characters and Status good.
Removal of chairs Successful.
Elements of staging needs some work.
Good use of choral evidence.
Good Reactions from all of us. Much to be Developed.

  • On Thursday we continued:
Working on different Rehearsal techniques.
Working on space as well.
We had done a set of 6 scenarios. The first 3 we had no time to plan so it sounded and looked out of place. The last 3 we had a lot more time to practice (30 seconds).
We had to work on space and rehearsal techniques.
Big scenarios in little spaces.

WWW (Last Scenario):
Good use of story (thinking on one foot).

Don't be afraid of failure (let other take the lead if u are not sure).
First three scenarios: Car, Boat (Titanic), Elevator.
Second three Scenarios: The Zumba Class, The Room and The Robbery.

Kept in levels using Bamboo sticks: 1, 3, 6, 12.
We used Bamboo to help us with spacial awareness while still working together. We had to walk, crouch and jump to try and keep us aware of spacial awareness while at the same time trying not to touch all the other sticks.
We tried to do the clump twice but both times it didn't work out.
Everybody was moving at different speeds.
We need to focus a lot more.
Not to talk when we are told.
Outside of our comfort zones.
We need to work better as a team instead of separate people trying to make this work by themselves.

  • On Friday we began:
We began the class by going over what was done in Helen's lesson on Wednesday. Today is a continuation of Wednesdays lesson.
We shall be performing this final piece in this afternoon's lesson in front of the 120 and 60 credits.
Aaliyah was added into our group as Persephone.
Points we need to work on: More Levels, Staging, Use of Space and Language.
Staging= More spaced out and A use for Levels.
Aaliyah will be Persephone and when ever she is being referred as, Prettier, Smarter, etc; Aaliyah will do our actions but more exaggerated.
We spaced out the Furies to 3 Blocks with Aaliyah (Persephone) on the highest Block.
We developed our language and added structure to the conversation.
We added in Persephone.
We improved the working so that Nilson isn't Blocking everyone at the end of the piece (we can all be seen now).
Added more enthusiasm to our movements.

We Understood the use of levels.
Cut out the huge amount of profanitys.
Developed Conversations and structures of it.
Added in a character.

We turn our backs to the audience, try not to do that so that we are able to show our facial expressions.
